NRM Top 5 Tip Series: #1 Your Social Media Profiles are Complete and Up to Date

5 min read
social media




In today’s highly competitive business world, there are a few simple tasks that should be at the top of any executive’s list. The tasks I’m talking about take very little time, yet can yield a huge ROI. Updating, finishing, and polishing your social media platforms is one of them. Let me ask you this: When was the last time you actually looked at your Linkedin profile? Even better, when was the last time you actually updated it to make it more interesting and inviting? If you can’t even remember, then it’s high time to take a look at it now. Why the urgency? There could be someone checking you out online as you’re reading this blog.

Think about it. Most people will hear about you before you hear about them. How, you might ask? Referrals! The potential is there for one (or more) of these people to not just become a good client, but a great one. One that already understands how to work well with you, how to make a business relationship run smoothly, and one that is more likely to appreciate a job well done. This is the Educated Buyer of Your Services that everyone wants to have. But the people who are educated as to what you do – what you really do, are probably also good at what they do! They didn’t get to be your potential client without having experience under their belt.

Most people will hear about you before you hear about them.  Tweet this

You are most likely an experienced buyer of services as well. What is the first thing you usually do before you choose a service provider? Do you check them out online? Yes? I thought so. A person looking to buy services like yours is going to Google your name and see what comes up. Chances are your Linkedin account is close to the top and that’s what is clicked on first.

Ask yourself what your profile says about you. Is it intriguing enough to make a potential client want to keep reading more about you and what you do? Or is it an incomplete, run-of-the-mill, boring bit of information that doesn’t represent who you really are? These are all good questions because having a strong social media presence is an enormous opportunity for you to shine! Basically, it’s the place where you have the greatest potential to resonate with someone who may have something in common with you. For instance, if you love fly fishing and list it on your profile as a hobby, there is the chance that Joe, someone you would die to work with, is also an avid fly fisherman. Now you have established a connection and some common ground. Joe is going to say to himself, “This guy loves to fish and so do I, so I’m like him.” On a more subconscious level, this translates to “I like him!”

Tens of thousands of years ago, mankind survived by teaming up, working together and forming tribes. Back then, you were either in my tribe or out of my tribe. Today’s world is no different: it’s in our genes to want to be surrounded by likeminded people who view us as one of their “tribe.” We rely on a likability factor to help us be accepted into this tribe. In a nutshell, your online profile, whether on Linkedin, Facebook, or any social platform, is your chance to show someone out there what you may have in common. They will like you for it and it will open the door for a possible future relationship. Think of the process like this:

Initial exposure (Linkedin) + shared commonalities (hobbies/background) = likeability!

What I Recommend:

  • Get people to like you, find you interesting, intriguing.
  • Don’t risk turning people off by having a half-empty profile, talking in the third person, or be flat out boring.

You should care about what people see on social media. Make it look good. Make yourself look good! Give folks a chance to see a real person behind the words, and don’t be shy about adding content regarding your background, what you like to do and your hobbies. Expose the greatest surface of who you are and make it easy for someone to find common ground with you, either professionally or personally.

Expose the greatest surface of who you are to make it easy for someone to find common ground with you. Tweet this

On the other hand, a profile that is quickly thrown together, outdated, boring and generic will be a turn off and could have an awesome potential client move on to someone else. In a relationship driven environment, this is the antithesis of what you want.

I challenge you to google your own name and see what comes up. Look, really look, at your profiles and pages and make sure they represent an authentic version of yourself. Create a profile that would drive someone to dig a little deeper to get to know you, your business, and what you have to offer. It is a small investment of your time that could yield a huge payoff!

In a relationship driven environment, a poor social media presence is the antithesis of what you want. Tweet this

Image courtesy of Fabian Medina [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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