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Ted Wang; Fenwick and West

2 min read


The one sentence Ted would tell you about Mindmaven:
“If I were to use a metaphor: I thought I already had a really nice bicycle, best of the breed, but Patrick showed me that my tires weren’t really 100% pumped and there was so much potential by tuning it.”

Why Ted was a great client:

It doesn’t happen often that you come across a man like Ted. He is one of those high-powered luminaries in the Silicon Valley legal industry, having helped companies like Facebook and Twitter achieve their impressive success. When I met him for the first time he came across as being very intellectual, highly focused and an absolutely ‘no BS’ type of individual. What impressed me most is that when asked the question, “What is your biggest priority tedwangtoday?” he instantly answered, “My family and taking good care of clients”.

My first impression of him as a person who has very relationship-based priorities was strengthened and the more we worked together the more I learned that Ted also applies this mindset to all of his clients. In the world of NRM, this relationship-centric mindset is a critical success variable, offering rewards like unfair competitive advantages based on the strength of the relationships, rather than skills or company brand, which have been diminished in many commoditized service industries.

What Ted said about the project we collaborated on:

  • “This works! While the project was still ongoing I got new clients that I might have not won otherwise.”
  • “Many professionals do not spend much time thinking about how to get more business referrals programmatically, despite it being the single most important source of business.  Mindmaven’s structured and methodological approach is one of the best options I have seen to change that.”
  • “Patrick thinks about the challenge of network-based business generation at a very strategic level and has found ways to make his advice highly-actionable in day-to-day business.”

Here is something Ted did not expect:
Ted expected mostly tactical advice about how to improve his business generation.  He was pleasantly surprised that this project also resulted in strategic advice relevant for deploying NRM firm wide at Fenwick and West.

Service Industry: Legal Service Industry[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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